Having someone help a widow id parts is important when a hoarder of mc or other hobbies is a great thing, writing down what things are with tie on tags for parts and if ya can have a laptop to pull up south sounds parts diagrams or partzilla to get estimated retail prices, knowing South around is discount gives you an idea on things still available. Auction places like eBay are a good way to go sky high in parts but the fees are enormous for eBay any more hitting you as a seller on auction sales price based fees as well as fees for the shipping cost which eat you alive, the aren't called feebay for nothing.
I've got a bunch of RC/cl model stuff I haven't done anything with for over 10 years and the rarely of some stuff is hard to gauge, finding the right buyers is the challenge. Most stuff by my family if they dealt with it would be to put a dumpster in front of the place 50 load it to get rid of the stuff as they don't know what it is or if it has any value. Bought a couple Estes rocket kits years ago that are no longer made that typically sell for $40 to 75 when they are on eBay. Stuff like that can add up...