I have never had a thrust break unless abused, nor the felts tear unless abused
And I have rebuilt a LOT of these swingarms. What usually breaks them is lack of grease for decades, which wears the outer rim thin, followed by removing the arms unevenly (pulling one side out, then the other) during disassembly. It is also possible to crack them by installing bushings wrong, i.e., not having the ends of the bushings recessed 3mm like they should be, followed by assembling the end bushings and seals and forcing it all back into the frame. If that didn't crack them, the subsequent tightening of the arm and crushing of the end bushings breaks them.
Most of the arms I have rebuilt (for these bikes) since the 1990s have the terrible cast MIMs-metal bushings that replaced the original phenolic bushings these bikes had before the F2/K7. The original ones wore out for lack of lube and the shops replaced them with the MIMs-metal type Honda made since, and they did not seat them fully: this is because the MIMs bushings are about 1mm longer than the phenolic ones, and the installer didn't take the time to measure the depth they were inserting those bushings - to the outer edge - after the install. In the case of the K0 and Old Factory K1 bike frames, the bushings are shorter by 3mm and so were their bored sites in the swingarm: if you try to install the MIMs-metal bushings into those arms they end up almost flush at the outer end. Obviously, this then requires starting over with correct parts...
During the New Factory setup the swingarms changed quite a bit. Their metal got thicker and the welds greatly improved, and the bushing holes all got bored to the same depth for a change. The hole size for the bushings was 1.0440"-1.0444" in these later arms, which became 1.0384"-1.0424" ion the F2/3 and later ones. The later ones have the same depth to the bushing-site holes as in the post-Old-Factory arrangement, so the same bushings could be used, if a 10-ton press was required to get them seated (I use a 20-ton...) or else some proper aftermarket bronze bushings could be used (which were correctly sized for K0/1 Early, K1-K6, F0/1, and then the post-1976 versions, all 3 are different by a little bit and 3 different size bronze bushings were marketed until 2002 or so).
So, there's quite a bit to get right when swapping out these bushings, and it is mighty easy to not know these things, and end up with a poor fit-up. That's why I bought a lathe and make them to fit the arm in question.