I'm working on my '72 CB500/4 and got all excited today because I got the pistons back into the cylinders and thought it was coming together well, but when I try to turn the engine over by hand via the clutch pack, it will barely budge! I wanted to make sure the pistons would go up and down smoothly, but I can barely get them to move a quarter inch! I thought it might have just been in gear, but now it seems the shifter is not engaging either, it looks like it's pulling way to the rear and not engaging the drum ... could I have put the gears back in wrong? I was very meticulous about which way they came out and went back in, and I was able to shift through the gears before...what do you think - take it apart and start again? Could it be the new rings I put in are creating a drag on the cylinders? ("Always time to do it TWICE, never time to do it Right!" as they say...) It should be able to turn over by hand easily, yes? It's not the cam chain getting in the way, I made sure of that...plus when I DO pull on the cam chain to try to get the pistons to rotate, it won't do that either! It's like it's stuck or something...