... and it works great. I just hauled a bunch of sheetrock & studs home to finish off the basement for the kids. Next will be to swap out my CB175's - blue home to the garage and gold off to the storage unit. I think the blue one will be easier to register, so I'll concentrate on it. I moved it once with a trailer-hitch platform, but it was a bit too dicey, so this time I'll be going in style with my brand new folding trailer.
It took a couple of nights bolting the whole thing together, and an afternoon fooling around with the platform with my dad. I must say that it is way heavier with the platform bolted on - if you get/have one, be sure to lock it together when it's folded up so it doesn't suddenly infold, causing it to become unbalanced and then fall over. Ask me how I know this.

I also am using a packing strap & a big hook in the rafters to help keep it verticle when it's folded.
No pics of the new trailer yet, but a shot of the 175 on the platform.