Author Topic: 1976 CB750F1 Sidecovers  (Read 1514 times)

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Offline spitfire

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1976 CB750F1 Sidecovers
« on: July 21, 2007, 11:07:22 AM »
Well with the wheels away being rebuild I've turned my attention to the side covers, the original ones are in pretty good shape, the LH one had a small crack, just to cover all bets I bought a pattern LH cover and a pair from eBay.
The original LH cover was strengthened with fibre glass on the inside and the crack filled with superglue then sanded, you can still see a small line but it's OK for me.
The pair that I bought on eBay were a bigger challenge, they had about six coats of paint on them, I sanded one down for two days then resorted to the DOT 4, that shifted it.
All the panels were then sanded smooth, any small imperfections were filled with superglue and sanded (the same way I fill panels on my models using an accelerator), given a grey undercoat (UK Halfords plastic primer). Then 2 coats of Ford Graphite Grey, and they have just had a coat of clear, they still have an orange peel effect but I'm pleased with them.



Wirral UK
1976 CB750F1 bought new in 76
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Offline merc2dogs

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Re: 1976 CB750F1 Sidecovers
« Reply #1 on: July 21, 2007, 01:39:00 PM »
Looking good.
 I've got a pair of those with repairable cracks at the back peg that I keep throwing away then digging back out, figuring someone may need a pair some day. I think I'll give the repair a test run and see how they turn out.
