I have to say I disagree with not keeping pipes nice. I've put several sets on bikes (my 750k5, 71 Triumph, Harley) and have prevented all of them from turning blue. First and obviuos is to make sure it is in good tune. Next is to take a quart can of the highest temp paint you can find and genoursly coat the inside of the head pipe and muffler. I tape off the end, pour it in, rotate it around to make sure all is coated well, then drain off the excess. Did this with the mufflers too after I removed the baffles (at least on the 750, doesn't work on glass pack mufflers). Result is absolutely NO bluing, on any of the bikes. Smells a little first time starting as the paint 'cures' in the pipe, but it works. The paint acts as an insulator. Only will work with new pipes though. I've got several thousand miles and several years on all these pipes with good results.