What I was saying, it is not in their best interest to keep all old bikes going forever.
Oem part come in 2 basic categories:
Manufacturer made by themselves,
ie HONDA actually produced the part.
Vendor products.
Vendor products are made by outside sources to factory specs, and sometimes by more than 1 supplier over a period of years. IE, tires, electrical parts, DENSO, NIKKO, etc, brake parts,Tokico..etc.
So sometimes when there is demand they will build a "run of parts" according to projected demand. This may be a 100 units, 400, or 1000..or a different number. When they run out then they may or may not make them again.
I canrt think of a single part that would be made in small quantities., you simply cannot set up to make a few in most cases..
So keep in mind, it may have been re-introduced, and you may laugh if you see them on ebay with an inflated price, but if you are not careful the dealer supply may run out...