Author Topic: bike idles high when warm???  (Read 4705 times)

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bike idles high when warm???
« on: May 03, 2008, 12:38:29 PM »
Hello, I recently picked up this 1979 CB750 LTD to add to my collection of Hondas, this one is DOHC, but in this case I dont think it matters as they are so similar otherwise... I have a couple questions:

1 - after sitting for longer than 2 weeks, when it first starts and warms up, there is a strange knock coming from the bottom end of the motor, seems to get worse the lower the rpms are... the knock goes away after about 2 minutes... does not reapper if bike gets used regularly...

2 - the bike runs good and seems to have good and responsive power... by the way, it has a 4-into-2 exhaust... it starts ok, although wants to die for the first few seconds... then gets better, idles good on its own for a while... however, the warmer the bike gets, the higher the idle gets - after about an hour of riding, the idle stays around 3000-3700 rpms, which is real high... what is wrong and how can I fix it?

thanks guys!!!
« Last Edit: May 03, 2008, 01:02:18 PM by ILYA »

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Re: bike idles high when warm???
« Reply #1 on: May 03, 2008, 02:04:59 PM »
sounds like you might have an air leak i think?

anyone else?

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Offline MRieck

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Re: bike idles high when warm???
« Reply #2 on: May 03, 2008, 04:49:35 PM »
sounds like you might have an air leak i think?

anyone else?

I'd start there.
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Re: bike idles high when warm???
« Reply #3 on: May 03, 2008, 05:07:03 PM »
Can you adjust the high idle on the carbs mate? My Suzuki GS1000S' idle increases markedly when warm, but I can adjust it back with the idle screw, and it's fine.

You can test for leaks by spraying some WD40 around each carb manifolds while the engine is running, if there's a sudden drop in RPM, you've got an air leak.

The "Knock" is probably your clutch, and also make sure your cam chains are adjusted properly, the DOHC4's had a fairly complicated cam chain adjustment procedure, so a lot of riders just ignored it, with disastrous results. Cheers, Terry. ;D 
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Re: bike idles high when warm???
« Reply #4 on: May 03, 2008, 05:33:27 PM »
ok, so the "leaks" would be around where the carbs attach to the manifold??? however, why would this only happen when the bike fully warms up ???

and, as far as the knock - yes, i think my clutch is on its last breath, as it does not engage until the last little bit on the lever... but why would the clutch knock and rattle like that when dead cold?


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Re: bike idles high when warm???
« Reply #5 on: May 04, 2008, 07:44:56 AM »
there really wasn't a reason to move my thread into this deserted non-sohc bike forum, but thanks anyway to whoever that happy person was

Offline mystic_1

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Re: bike idles high when warm???
« Reply #6 on: May 04, 2008, 09:45:57 AM »
non-sohc bike forum

Well, yours IS a non-sohc bike, after all :)

No worries, you've not been banished to no-man's land.  :)  As far as your idle issue is concerned, have you performed a tune-up recently?  I'd run through all that including replacing your air filter, oil change, etc. and check your carb sync.  I have a buddy with an 81 750C that was having high idle issues which turned out to just be a very dirty air filter.

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Re: bike idles high when warm???
« Reply #7 on: May 04, 2008, 10:27:32 AM »
thanks, man! I'll check the filter and the plugs, I will be playing with my bike here in a little bit, will post the results later... please keep them ideas coming, thanks in advance!

Offline TwoTired

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Re: bike idles high when warm???
« Reply #8 on: May 04, 2008, 10:53:07 AM »
there really wasn't a reason to move my thread into this deserted non-sohc bike forum, but thanks anyway to whoever that happy person was

And, except for your selfishness, foisting non-sohc4 questions onto people who probably don't know much about the bike you're having problems with, there wasn't any reason for you to post in the SOHC4 technical forum in the first place.
The bikes in question are only similar in your mind, as you can count the number of parts that interchange between genre on your fingers. Further, CV carbs work rather differently than mechanical slide carbs found on most SOHC4s (and ALL CB750 SOHC4s).

If you are going to be disingenuous about posting rules, don't be Mr. Whiney when when you are put in the proper forum, as you should have done from the start, and already know this to be true.  So, thank YOU for taking full, wrested, advantage of kind hearted souls.

After your rage has subsided, read this if you still desire help:
To your original question...
Have you set the idle speed for when the engine is cold?

They naturally run faster when warmed up, as there is no computer to keep the idle speed constant over temperature, like there would be in a modern bike or car.  All the SOHC4s behave this way.  Some SOHC4s (not all) have a fast idle cam linked to the choke for this reason.  The ones that don't, require the operator to hold the throttle open during warm up for increased idle speed.  (if you'd have searched the forums first, you'd have learned this already.)

Does your bike have a choke knob?  Does it increase the idle speed?  If it has a fast idle cam, is it adjusted properly to give you faster idle when actuated?  Is your idle speed adjustment set properly for when the engine is at operating temperature?
Do you know how to make these adjustments?

Have you vacuum synchronized your carburetors?

Welcome to the proper forum...

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Re: bike idles high when warm???
« Reply #9 on: May 05, 2008, 07:32:04 PM »
ok, you were somewhat funny about it, so I am not going to step on any more toes (or fingers) and we'll just move on... the reason I posted in sohc forum was the same why i came to this site with this question to begin with - i did not get an answer in other places, and the bikes are so similar, I have both sitting right next to each other... anywhoo...

I just got this dohc bike recently so I havent tinkered with it too much yet besides changing the oil... yes it does have a choke, it starts rejecing it after a few minutes and idles ok without a choke or touching hte controls for a while, first half an hour of riding is beautiful... the problem was that after about an hour of riding, the idle would get crazy high...

I did not get to go riding yesterday, instead had to go get myself a new 1969 chevy flatbed truck... I did look at the airfilter, and it was somewhat clean, but soaked in gas/oil, so it will need to be replaced tomorrow (sun and mon everyone is closed)... I also noticed that on #4 carb the clamps were reversed in sizes, so I am guessing thats where it could have been leaking possibly, I switched them the right way... The bike seemed to idle better for about 15 minutes, stayed around 1400 rpms, then I was done, but like I said, I did not ride it, but hopefully in the next day or two...

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Re: bike idles high when warm???
« Reply #10 on: May 05, 2008, 07:37:57 PM »
Sounds like it definetly needs a carb synch but do all of the other related tune-up stuff first.
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Re: bike idles high when warm???
« Reply #11 on: May 05, 2008, 09:31:11 PM »

 - i did not get an answer in other places, and the bikes are so similar, I have both sitting right next to each other... anywhoo...

They're really not similar at all.
But I do hope you can get some help here, and sorry you got flamed a bit.

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