Man, we were
just talking about the weather and just yesterday we had a Severe Thunderstorm roll in a little after noon and first the rain started, then throw in the heavy thunder and lightning, then the wind started up. Next thing we knew (by 12:30) the lights flickered a few times, then they went out for 4hrs (we're total electric and my wife & I both have asthma And allergies. we need the a/c and the ceiling fans going) Then the winds kicked up (they say) about 60-70mph. Our kitchen window looked like we were under water!
I couldn't contact the electric company because I always got a busy signal and I tried 2 different numbers off and on for several hours. Fortunately, we didn't have any damage or anything. Then, about 4:30PM, the power came back on, to our delight. Today, i heard that there were several thousand folks without power up until sometime early this morning. Now, they are saying that we're in line for another round Thursday.
So, if I'm not reachable Thursday, we just might be going through it again (or worse). We've been SO fortunate, so far.