Got your attention, eh?? Here's the story. New shoes for the baby but after about 2 days trying with a hand pump, the damned bead still won't pop in place properly... very not rideable. I tired everyting I could think of... even the suggestions post here in various threads (thanks but no joy). I went over to my neighbor (he rebuilds racing engines) and we tired for over an hour with his air compressor... still no joy. Grrr.
Then after talking to one of my friends... he laughs and says he will be right over.
So I let the air our and pop check out the rim one more time as he drives up. With a big smile on his face, he pulls out this tube.... which he doesn't show me right away, and squeezes out this clear gel... then proceeds to liberally apply all around the rim. Putting the tube away, he says "pump her up" and so we do... 20, 30, 40 psi.... then 50 and .... POP the bead slams into place... perfection at last!!!!
Laughing he pulls out the tube and shows me.... KY jelly.... silicon based sex lube of all things.... water soluable and slipperly on rubber as all hell.
Who'd a thought?