I spent tonight on the crankshaft bearings. This is completely new territory for me, so I could use help and input.
My first step was to try and decipher the chicken scratch on the crankshaft ("chicken make lousy housepet"). Here is what it looked like to me:
On the case, it was easy to read and is "BBBBB"
According to the Clymer, the stock crank bearing should have been all green.
Next step was to measure the journals with a dial caliper (in mm):
1: 35.941
2: 35.992
3: 35.966
4: 35.941
5: 35.941
So for fun, I broke out the mics and measured again:
1: 35.994
2: 36.010 (not likely)
3: 35.989
4: 35.987
5: 35.989
Final step was to use the plasticgauge (clearances in mm). Pics first and then measurements:
Virgin Plasticgauge waiting to be squished:
1: 0.076
2: 0.102
3: 0.152
4: 0.127
5: 0.076
I should note that I didn't install of the crankcase bolts both top and bottom. Most of them, especially near the crank, but not all the little ones. Will that throw off my results?
If not, please divine what I need as far as replacement bearing inserts. Clymer states that max clearance is 0.08 mm, so I according to that I need to replace 2,3, and 4 inserts.
I would also appreciate any feedback on the following bearings:
I know it is hard to diagnose from just images, but please offer any thoughts.
There is some wear that is noticeable (ie I can feel it with my fingernail), and I assume that is an indication that replacement is necessary.