Hoo Boy! I hit a dog today, but she and I are fine. I was riding on a two lane highway in northern PA amongst the hills and meadows when a dog bolted out of the brush at full speed in front of me from my right side. I was going about 50 MPH (81 KPH), and I just had time to steer just a bit left. I thought she was going to go under the wheel, but instead, I clipped her head hard with my right shin and spun her around. Quite literally, if we had been a couple of inches (5 cm) closer, I would have hit her with my bike.
I slowed down and made a u-ey where it was safe. She was lying still but picked up her head as I approached. Another car saw her lying dazed in the road (they were too far back to have seen her get hit), and they stopped to help. I'm grateful that they did because they offered to direct traffic around her while I got help.
I was going to head to a near house on the left, but they suggested that I go down the driveway on the right from whence she came. The drive wended about 1/4 mile (2/5 km) up to two houses. The owner lives at one, and just as the she took off down her drive, Sadie came running up. She seems to have suffered only a bit tongue. I have a barked shin. (This tragedy entitles me to a bad pun. Besides, my shin is going to sting for some time.)