If you don't rip it during the install, the spikes work just fine. I really got overzealous with my latest seat trying to make it taut, and sure enough I ripped it a little. Not really noticeable unless you know it is there, but it pisses me off.
I had another seat cover that lasted for years without problem with the spike installation, but it was kind of ugly, so I bought a NOS seat. After a couple years the crappy NOS OEM seat started falling apart, as they are wont to do after a couple years, so I bought a Travelcade cover for it. The quality of the Travelcade cover is FAR BETTER than the OEM. Installation can be a pain, though, as you need to heat & stretch without tearing.
Good luck.
I put the new seat cover on the newly shaped stock seat pan for the cb400f.for those of you that recovered your seats and did nothing but secure it w/ the spikes... how well did it hold up?for those of you that have riveted your seat covers... how'd that go and any recommendations?i know some people glue as well... does it hold up, at all?thanks for the help, in advance.