Recently I’ve seen pics here of a seat called Giuliari. Some even started drooling. It reminded me that somewhere deep in the basement I had a similar buddy. I never bothered to mount it as Giuli leaves no room for my Julie, if you know what I mean. Now, how can I tell it’s a true Giuli? I mean, were his works of art numbered and do I have to look for the maestro's signature somewhere? Michelangelo Giuliari? Leonardo da Giuliari maybe? Were there imitations? Before I swap seats and Julie – now there’s a true masterpiece –, I would like to know who and what. Who is this Giuliari fellah? Can I trust his seat or do I have to re-jet my exhaust?
♫ ♪ If you knew Giuli ♪ ♫ like I know Julie ♫…