Mike, I'd love it if you could take a pic or two.
Mind if I hijack a bit? It's on topic....
I'm setting up a GE-style build, and while blueprinting I found some oddness in the cut they recommend for the 750 pistons. The stock 550 pistons are flat-topped with small valve reliefs of around 0.3cc total volume, and measure 22.65mm from pin center to shoulder. They sit 0.4mm in the bore. The 750K pistons (marked "300") are spherically domed, 1.5mm higher in the center than the edges, and measure 24.3mm from pin center to shoulder. Modeling this up in CAD and then modeling the "Gentleman's Express" modifications shows a dome volume of 3.0cc (without valve reliefs), with a piston shoulder that sits 0.4mm higher than the 550 piston, or flush in the bore. The problem is I'm calculating a compression of 12.4:1 with this setup! Not even huge valve reliefs are going to take enough metal out to bring that down to the 10.0:1 they give in the article.
Now, I know math isn't a substitute for a burette, but since I'm so far off I'd like to know what the $%^& went wrong before I cut metal. Any ideas? Do we know if they used "F" or "K" pistons for the article? They sure look like "K" pistons to me.