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Offline davido

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Parts swap
« on: October 21, 2017, 09:10:09 AM »

The forks on my '76 550F1 are knackered. I have a couple of other sets from 500/550s which are in the same condition.Ive been looking around for a replacement set (to avoid the expense of rechroming) but everything seems pretty much in a similar condition.
 My question is what other bikes wore forks that would be interchangable with the CB. I want to retain the original wheel and brake set up.
Thanks for any advice.

Offline Deltarider

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Re: Parts swap
« Reply #1 on: October 21, 2017, 10:10:39 AM »
Consult the parts list for your specific (F1) model and look for the partsnumbers. BTW, all CB550 parts lists are here: Then go here and enter that parts number: No need to fill in 'Model', just the partsnumber. After you've clicked 'Search' and then 'select model', you'll be presented a list of models, that had that same part. Did it because I was curious myself. Unfortunately yours were only on the CB550F and CB550F1. Maybe you could use also the CB550F2 or K3 or K4 legs but they didn't have the rubber harmonica boots.
« Last Edit: October 21, 2017, 10:26:01 AM by Deltarider »
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Offline davido

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Re: Parts swap
« Reply #2 on: October 21, 2017, 10:31:18 AM »
 Thanks for the tip Deltarider,Ill have a look at that. Im not too worried about looks,I think theres a set of 500 forks on it at the moment. Just looking for something to do the job. Its a practical classic,not a show pony. (Im saving that for the '72 500/4,when I have the time/money/energy/independant offspring)

Offline TwoTired

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Re: Parts swap
« Reply #3 on: October 21, 2017, 10:42:00 AM »
As a unit, all the 500/550 fork legs will function in the triple trees for all years and have the same overall length and attachment points.

But, there are differences in model years them that makes parts swaps among them unworkable.
If you also want internal part compatibility, (US models)  74 to 76, F AND K models are the same.  77 and 78 models have shorter lowers.  And CB500 models have a quite different internal mechanism.

I don't know if forks outside the 500/550 realm use the same fork tubes.

Lloyd... (SOHC4 #11 Original Mail List)
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Offline Deltarider

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Re: Parts swap
« Reply #4 on: October 21, 2017, 11:22:02 AM »
Thanks for the tip Deltarider,Ill have a look at that. Im not too worried about looks,I think theres a set of 500 forks on it at the moment. Just looking for something to do the job. Its a practical classic,not a show pony. (Im saving that for the '72 500/4,when I have the time/money/energy/independant offspring)
Even the CB500 legs differ from one model to the next: p.66 in  Another thing to observe: not all legs (right side) offer the possibility for a second disk brake, but maybe that isn't your goal anyway.
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Offline Deltarider

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Re: Parts swap
« Reply #5 on: October 21, 2017, 11:31:19 AM »
Davido, just noticed you're located in the Low Countries near the Sea. For your CB500 you may need extra info, found here (scrol down): For instance my CB500K2-ED originally has the same legs (the 'without the rod' type) as were on the CB550K2 (not imported near us).
« Last Edit: October 21, 2017, 11:40:27 AM by Deltarider »
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Offline davido

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Re: Parts swap
« Reply #6 on: October 21, 2017, 12:55:02 PM »
Aha!. Therein lies the rub. I am in Holland and the 550 is a dutch bike (as far as I know). The 500 is back in blighty and is a British bike (well I bought it in Swansea). I have spare parts from at least 2 other dutch 500/550s and god knows what else.On top of that,the old memory is not what it used to be and on top of that,the old memory is not what it used to be!!
Anyway,over the years everything has been mixed together,using the best bits to keep one bike on the road. So,I have no idea what is what.
 I did strip a couple of sets of forks a few years ago with the idea of sending them off to Philpots.For some reason,I bought one set of stanctions back to Holland and the rest is back in my old mans shed.
 Ill try and post photos and maybe someone can identify what I have.

Offline davido

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Re: Parts swap
« Reply #7 on: October 21, 2017, 01:00:54 PM »
Here we go,.here are pictures of whats in my basement. Im pretty sure theyre from a Dutch 500/4. No idea of the year. Can anyone help?

Offline davido

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Re: Parts swap
« Reply #8 on: October 21, 2017, 01:07:36 PM »
Just looked through the link you posted and they look very like the KO and K1 model! The internals also look familiar. (but so do the K2s. Im pretty sure I have a set of each but the stanctions in my basement look like K0-K1s.)

Offline Deltarider

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Re: Parts swap
« Reply #9 on: October 21, 2017, 01:40:26 PM »
I can only help you with what I know from the parts lists: The CB500(K0), CB500K1 and CB500K2(A) all have the same pipes: 51410-323-010. But the CB500K2(ED, F, G) marketed in 1976 in Europe differed from the CB500K2(A) that was marketed in 1973 in the US. And I am 100% sure that that CB500K2(ED, F, G) is in the comparison in the Italian site and guess what... the pipes of that particular CB500K2(ED, F, G) '76 had a different partnumber: 51410-374-003. I'm sorry, it's so complicated and I don't even know what the difference is. As far as the 500, note that some models had a damper rod and others didn't. I guess as long as both legs are the same, you'll be fine.
« Last Edit: October 21, 2017, 02:12:48 PM by Deltarider »
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Offline davido

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Re: Parts swap
« Reply #10 on: October 22, 2017, 01:04:37 AM »
They sure dont make things easy. The important thing is that I do have the internals that go with these forks,so I can make a complete set. Im going to get in touch with Philpots and see how much they want for rechroming. Ive heard that it is better quality than the original.(I checked last night and Dave Silver wants 75.00 quid for an aftermarket tube.).
 Thanks for all your help.