I usally don't chime in on policital threads, but here it goes.....
The whole Republican, Democrat, Liberal , Conservative thing is what has and still is ruining our country. We were warned of the consequences of a party system as far back as G. Washington. Conservatives will rally against a policy or idea simply because it was put fourth by a Liberal or Democrat. The inverse is also true. I am sick to death of watching the ignorance and bandwagon on both sides of the isle. Im even sicker watching the ignorance of the American people on a daily basis.
We need to realize we have failed, not are failing, not "not looking so good".... failed. We need to get over the blame game and pointing fingers and get things fixed. Are there things that are Bush's fault and the fault of his administration? Sure as hell are. We can blame plenty on the Clinton administration as well.
The current conservative estimate is that the last eight years will eventually cost the county 11.4 trillion dollars. Our lending industry is in ruins, our auto industry is in runs, property values have plummeted. Im already seeing the same people that rallied behind the last stimulus package rallying against the next one.
So I'll sum it up with this: Republicans and Conservatives, you lost, quit the #$%*ing and help the Dem's fix this mess. Democrats and Liberals, you built up Obama so much, you better hope he delivers, for all our sakes.