Author Topic: Horse a piece bike for bike trade  (Read 1786 times)

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Horse a piece bike for bike trade
« on: October 19, 2005, 07:04:03 PM »
Today I was able to negotiate a trade for a recent incoming bike. I bought the Kawasaki 500 Mach III tripple. Not a bad bike and about 70% of the way through the resto. I don't really care for 2 smokers so I negotiated a trade for a 198? CB 750 F Super Sport. This bike is a runner just needs some brake anti sticking, battery, and carb work. It has 4 into 1 exhaust on it. Not very pretty and a very loud megaphone pipe on it. Louder than a damn drag bike. Got the guy to through in a Vance and Hines muffler that could be retro-fitted to it. SWEET ;D

This guy is a big 500 smoker nut and well you about me. ;D

Total damages...$100

Offline Killer Canary

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Re: Horse a piece bike for bike trade
« Reply #1 on: October 19, 2005, 08:06:22 PM »
I've oned two Dohc 750Fs that were dogs, badly abused by POs; now they're gone.
Won't ever sell the Mach III though.
If it's worth doing at all it's worth over-doing.
Honda MT250, CB400F, CB450K, CB550, GL500, CBR929
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Re: Horse a piece bike for bike trade
« Reply #2 on: October 19, 2005, 08:09:59 PM »
Mach III is a bad ass... I have seen them set up as hill climbers and drag bikes.. Just plain fun.

But I know the SOHC 750 better. Really funny ... it sitting on the trailer right now... but I have no Idea what year it really is... Gues  should check. I just saw SOHC and there was the long string of drool..... :P Everything else is a blur...

Offline Killer Canary

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Re: Horse a piece bike for bike trade
« Reply #3 on: October 19, 2005, 08:20:54 PM »
I misunderstand! If it's a 198? 750, it isn't single stick.
 I would truly love to own a single cam 750F; they seemed to be tougher than their replacement!
That might not be fair though, as I said they'd both been tortured.
What would be the cost of yours, shipping included, to my door, heh heh?
If it's worth doing at all it's worth over-doing.
Honda MT250, CB400F, CB450K, CB550, GL500, CBR929
Kawi GPz900, H1


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Re: Horse a piece bike for bike trade
« Reply #4 on: October 19, 2005, 09:17:43 PM »
ok it's official the build date is 12/76 .... Special maybe, maybe not

The guy was looking at so much stuff in his storage and explaining what was what that I may have heard wrong through my string of drool.

Better anyway I hate shimming valves

Yes it is single stick
« Last Edit: October 19, 2005, 09:23:26 PM by ElCheapo »

Offline Geeto67

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Re: Horse a piece bike for bike trade
« Reply #5 on: October 21, 2005, 06:44:26 AM »
No offense but, you got hosed if that triple was in any kind of useable condition as a parts bike. I own both bikes and the kawasaki's sell for much more than the cb750s, sometimes almost twice the price on ebay. A nice clean h1 of any year can bring $1400 - $5000 depending on year and conditon. I have seen the 1969-1970s go for $8K+. The I also own one of the DOHC supersports and while they are nice bikes I can buy them all day long for under 1000 in my neighborhood.
« Last Edit: October 21, 2005, 09:48:08 AM by Geeto67 »
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Offline Killer Canary

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Re: Horse a piece bike for bike trade
« Reply #6 on: October 21, 2005, 02:01:53 PM »
I've found the H-1 to not have much practical use, though. Just the goofy grin.
If it's worth doing at all it's worth over-doing.
Honda MT250, CB400F, CB450K, CB550, GL500, CBR929
Kawi GPz900, H1

Offline Raul CB750K1

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Re: Horse a piece bike for bike trade
« Reply #7 on: October 21, 2005, 02:50:11 PM »
Never ridden any of both, but have read that the handling of the Kawa was bad. Some quotes of the time said something about the chassis "having hinges on the curves". You will get something about 15 mpg, and above 6k rpm you can pop a wheelie in almost any gear. If I'm not wrong the Mach IV was nicknamed "The Widowmaker". The good thing about it is that, if you have the original exhaust, you won't have any trouble with rust.


Offline Killer Canary

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Re: Horse a piece bike for bike trade
« Reply #8 on: October 21, 2005, 06:01:38 PM »
You've got that right.
If it's worth doing at all it's worth over-doing.
Honda MT250, CB400F, CB450K, CB550, GL500, CBR929
Kawi GPz900, H1


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Re: Horse a piece bike for bike trade
« Reply #9 on: October 21, 2005, 06:49:23 PM »
Yea the MachIII's were also also notorious tank slappers at 90MPH :o :o. That is why all of these have an adjustable damper on them.

Fired up the Super Sport today. Looks promising even though it has crap exhaust right now. Louder than a retarded chopper with the straight slash pipe on it. I have hopes to go full cafe with it. The carbs were the worst possible pit of garbage you can imagine. Hard to believe it last had tags last year. The way it is, it had to be an embarassment to ride. If crap makes a sound it is coming form this thing.


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Re: Horse a piece bike for bike trade
« Reply #10 on: October 21, 2005, 06:51:50 PM »
No offense but, you got hosed if that triple was in any kind of useable condition as a parts bike. I own both bikes and the kawasaki's sell for much more than the cb750s, sometimes almost twice the price on ebay. A nice clean h1 of any year can bring $1400 - $5000 depending on year and conditon. I have seen the 1969-1970s go for $8K+. The I also own one of the DOHC supersports and while they are nice bikes I can buy them all day long for under 1000 in my neighborhood.

I did take the time to check all the eBay things. MachIII parts and whole bikes going very weak at this time. CB750 for a Cafe project = much better. Besides I hate smokers and always look at them as little more than parts.