Well I'm afraid I can't be as helpful as I hoped. The 5 speed gearbox is not within my reach for a while. Its buried in the back of the garage behind a trailer inside a motor, inside a crate underneath some junk. Thought I could use the holiday weekend to get to it but yard chores ate up all my time. No time during the week and next weekend is a friends wedding. I can't even guess when I'll have some time to try again.
Going from memory and a few notes, it used both shafts and inner clutch basket from a cb350. The few part numbers I have are:
23471-286-010 29 tooth countershaft 4th gear.
23451-286-030 28 tooth Mainshaft 4th gear
23220-286-030 countershaft
22120-312-010 Inner clutch hub.
I thought I had more numbers but don't. The 350 shaft and clutch hub have different splines. Oddly, the only gear pair I have numbers for is 4th gear 28/29 which is exactly the same as the 500 ratios?? There seems to be some confusion because most of the books list the 500/550 first gear (mainshaft) as 24 teeth, but they all seem to be 17 teeth exactly like the 350? Here's another thread with details on that
http://forums.13x.com/showthread.php?p=2524719#post2524719I don't have a stock 500/550 gearbox to verify. I found the following info on a cb350 racers site showing some alternate ratios for the SL 350's
Std. Gear Ratios: (1) 2.353, (2) 1.636, (3) 1.269, (4) 1.036, (5) 0.900
K0 SL Gear Ratios (1) 2.353, (2) 1.636, (3) 1.280, (4) 1.036, (5) 0.900
K2 SL Gear Ratios: (1) 2.866, (2) 1.800, (3) 1.333, (4) 1.035, (5) 0.870 (US Set)
Also the cb650 has some ratio choices but without counting teeth on my Yosh 5 speed box, we don't know what to shoot for?