Author Topic: 73 CB350T Minor drip/leak and Slight Burning Smell  (Read 980 times)

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73 CB350T Minor drip/leak and Slight Burning Smell
« on: June 01, 2009, 10:38:18 PM »
DISCLAIMER: I know little about motorcycle maintenance and repair - My Clymer's manual has not arrived and I am using this bike as a learning tool.
I've noticed that there is a very small pool of what appears to be oil dripping around the area of the kickstand.  I dug around a bit underneath the area and found a thick tube surrounded by rubber that didn't look to be in the best shape e.  I tugged a bit at the rubber outer lining and it pretty much came apart (Will not having the rubber outer lining be critical?revealing the tube on the inside to be quite covered in the same oil that was dripping.  I cleaned the  entire area as best as I could with a shop towel to try and see if I could see later where the oil was coming from.  Well, I had thought it was coming from the tube, but I don't think that's the case but I did see a drip slowly forming on the bottom of the crank case, though because my flashlight was acting up, I couldn't quite find the source.  What in that area of the bike could be causing this minor leak?  I've been checking the oil level almost everyday and it still looks to be at the proper amount altho like I said, the leak is quite minor.  However, i would like to remedy this because i have a sneaking suspicion that it may be the cause of the burning odour.


Offline martino1972

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Re: 73 CB350T Minor drip/leak and Slight Burning Smell
« Reply #1 on: June 02, 2009, 12:04:22 AM »
shift shaft seal..?? end shaft...??? (where your front sprocket is on)...drain plug seal..??? oilpump..???
Marti, I want you to know, I like you an awful lot, but guys have said far less and left wearing their drinks on their shirts.  (my bobber)


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Re: 73 CB350T Minor drip/leak and Slight Burning Smell
« Reply #2 on: June 02, 2009, 09:30:18 AM »
I will try and get a picture up and perhaps that will help?