You are correct Vic built this one for me. I told him from the start it was going to be a rider and not a museum piece. Talked to him today and he really enjoys hearing about the bike. He has a wealth of knowledge and I think if my carbs were any more in sync, the bike would go into orbit. He has provided a lot of tips for me in both breaking it in and maintance. He really loves theses bikes it's not all about the $$ as some may think. If you want to make some money, just order a new sandcast from Vic, then just part it out. You will make way more than the price of the bike. It takes months of time to get everything right on one of his bikes, he is a stickler for detail by SN#. Mine took six months to build.
I know I could have bought 3 new bikes for what I paid for this one, but I wouldn't be grinning as much while I was riding.