Hmmm. Let's say first - thanks for the PM. No worries.
On the other hand - how to turn a party foul? Start talking about religion or politics...
Basically here in Europe this is what people think - that is, we did nothing wrong yet economy fails. I'm lucky, I'm in the only country here that has a growth of national product, but still one can feel the effects of the crisis (look at Lithuania or Estonia with -15% or -20% of GNP)
Now, suggesting that it was not the USA economy that caused what happened is akin to new political trend in Russia that says that WW2 was caused by Polish aggressive diplomacy.
After all, the famous NINJA credits were invented where? Just remind me, please. So, let's not go too far in figuring out who caused the crisis.
As per topic - I personally consider myself lucky, because I was able to live and understand (that is, I was old enough to understand) the workings of 2 very different political systems, the communist one (albeit according to the communist bloc nobody ever reached the "communist system", that being some kind of nirvana. We had "socialistic" system that was supposed to bring us there..
) and a free market, democratic one.
And you know what? Politics sucks big time from whatever point you look at it. Of course there are idealists who create theories of political systems (Marx, Lenin, etc and on the other hand guys who wrote your constitution - BTW, Poland's Constitution of 3rd may 1791 was copied after US one, and was 1st in Europe. but that's another story
) but those are just that - theories. When they get applied to reality we get... what we see, and what we see is shameless grab for power influenced by the money. Of course at the beginning some of the politicians are trying to do something - unitl they lose their virginity, and then it' sback to the old one - grab the power while you can!
So, it's nice to discuss those things, it's sad to see how far politicians diverted from the original concept, but ultimately, there's not much you can do about it.
For me personally, the biggest realization of how far US of A diverted from the original concept is the state of the religion (aha, not enough about politics, now it will be about religion too
). It seems that the original concept was for a free country separated from religion (famous Tripoli treaty ), and current US seems very religious and fundamental about christianity.
So, concept was good execution is so-so, life goes on. And if it called republic, democracy or whatever else (like UK) at the end we all need to pay taxes and pay for fuel for our bikes. And you guys, of all, shouldn't complain about gas prices
And I still consider this short movie a political propaganda