yes, check the tiny hole in the bottom of the MC for blockage.
also try this:
Turn your handlebars all the way to the left. get a 4' section of surgical tubing and connect one end to your right handlebar and the other to your bleeder screw. open your bleeder screw, squeeze your front brake lever and rubberband it to your handle. start (lightly) tapping all the connections/elbows/banjos between your MC and calipersto free up the bubbles. start at the caliper. Have a beer, or 2. come back in an hour, tap again and repeat, have another beer, come back to refill your MC as the fluid flows into your lines.
once the surgical tubing fills up to your MC height, turn off your bleeder valve and clamp off the tube right above it.
remove the tubing from your bike, pour the excess back into the bottle or dispose of if its dirty.
clean up spillage (simple green) as it will remove paint. top off your MC, and you should be good to go.
if your brakes are still spongy, turn your bars to the left and open your MC, CAREFULLY squeeze your brake, or you'll have fluid on your ceiling
and secure it in place. tap connections as stated above to release any small bubbles, drink the rest of your beers, and check it in the morning. repeat (not the beer part) until no longer spongy.