There are some great folks in Astoria and plenty of fun stuff to do for a small town. They have a great Saturday market. There is some local theater, good places to eat, and one of the best maritime museums in the country. The mouth of the Columbia river is downstream and has a very interesting history. I used to drive a jet boat (910hp diesel Man on a 40ft aluminum skiff) with passengers from Portland to Astoria. 100 miles took me 3 hrs. I would drop pax off in town, fuel and maintain my boat, then go grab some lunch at the coffee shop/cafe/independent bookstore. There are still some colorful characters left in town despite the on-rush of coastal retiree types. As far as small coastal towns in Oregon go, I think it would be a great place to live, but then I grew up on the coast.
Also check out Cthulhu, another movie recently filmed in Astoria.