
Front disk brake squeeks when riding down the road.

brakes glazed
1 (50%)
rotor warped
1 (50%)

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Author Topic: 78 cb750k front disk brake  (Read 1759 times)

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78 cb750k front disk brake
« on: April 22, 2005, 11:01:58 AM »
The brake started this squeeking after sitting all winter in the garage, it stops when you apply the brake lever, I sprayed the pads with cleaner very well and it stopped for 10 to 15 miles and after repeated use started again, have done this several times, could the pads be glazed? I do feel a slight pulsation in the front wheel at times, could this be the rotor? Never worked on disk brakes before any advise would be great. Rick :)


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Re: 78 cb750k front disk brake
« Reply #1 on: April 22, 2005, 11:15:09 AM »
could be the piston is not retracting properly. I think the FAQ has something on this, if not I read it recently on this sight.  "oldmanhonda.com" has got a great piece on this problem.  Basically pop the piston out, remove and clean the square o-ring, maybe lightly sand or replace piston if corroded, replace and enjoy(theoretically)