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![Huh ???](
? This is not my list (mine would have smaller words)
Aussie abbreviations
Australians tend to shortem many words. Take Australian, for example. It takes too long to say you see, so it gets abbreviated to Aussie.
Barbeque becomes barbie (NOT the doll!).
Football = footy (and the t turns into a d sound half the time).
Never call us consistent, cos Mr. Johnson will most likely be Johnno if he is considered a good bloke, and we are likely to have a smoko instead of tea break (even if we don't smoke) whilst drinking a cuppa (coffee).
the following is a list of words, taken without permission from John O'Grady's Aussie English. I'll give you some definitions of these as I get to them, or find out what they mean myself!
acid - the good acid, the good word, the truth.
act, as in bunging on an - pretending to be ill/distressed/etc in order to gain sympathy
anchors - the brakes in a car, the reins of a horse, one's own feet.
she's apples - everything is fine/great
arse, bum, fanny - backside, also pig's arse it did - a term of disparaging disagreement
artists (as in bull) - people who tell over the top and untruthful tales.
arvo - afternoon.
back, as in get off my - stop hassling/nagging me!
bastard - refers to anyone, usually someone who has had a little bit of luck (lucky bastard - he got a week off) or someone who is hated. A generic term of reference, and tone of voice denotes the meaning.
battler - someone who doesn't have much luck and struggles through life.
beaut/bewdy - wonderful. Great.
bonza - same as beaut.
bite, as in put the bite on - to extract a favour or money. "I put the bite on him and he paid up."
black stump - a very distant place somewhere in the Outback. "beyond the Black Stump" means somewehre a very very long way away.
blind Freddy, as in "blind Freddy could see that" - a chap who though blind is capable of seeing the obvious.
block - doing your block/nut is losing your temper
bloke - a man. Hence a good bloke, one of the highest accolades one Aussie can give a chap.
bloody - the great oz adjective
blow in - an uninvited guest
bludge - to not work hard, to slack off. Hence bludger.
blue - two meanings - the first is a fight (Jim was in a blue) and the seconds means pornographic or lewd/crude/rude (He told a blue joke)
bomb - an old, unreliable car, or a term of affection for a car in reasonable condition.
booze - alcohol, particularly beer, hence boozer - pub/inn/tavern
boss - one's manager/one in charge of your work.
bugger - used in a similar fashion to bastard. Tends to be used for affectionate disparagement (eg silly old bugger). Can also be used just as an expletive, as the english use it.
bush - the country. Anywhere that is not in a big city. Also used to refer to the typical vegetation of Australia. "Going bush" is to visit the country. "Stop beating around the bush" is used to ask someone to get to the point. In contrast, "I'm bushed" means I am exhausted.
cack - two meanings, one derived from the other. I cacked meself - to laugh so much that one is in danger of soiling oneself, or simply to soil oneself. (jeez, I love these formal phrases
![Wink ;)](
chuck - throw. "Chuck a wobbly" is to have a fit of temper.
clout - to hit.
cockie - either one of the many large indigenous parrots known as cockatoos or a farmer (eg cow cockie or wheat cockie).
conk/bugle/beak - the nose. Conk can also be the head.
coot - another person, usually unlucky or not very clever - silly old coot
cow - "Cow of a thing!" - an annoying object. also - "Fair cow!" - tell me the truth/give me a break.
crook - unwell
dag - a silly or stupid or useless person. Most likely derives from the bit of manure stuck to a sheep's behind.
damper - a form of bread usually cooked in hot coals or "to put a damper on things" - to calm something/one down.
bot - to borrow, usually without repaying the favour ("He botted a fag off me but I never get one off him..."). Hence bot, the borrower who is not at all highly regarded
dead, as in dead cert - definate, certain (especially when referring to race horses and winning). A dead ringer is an exact replica ("I saw someone who was a dead ringer of Mary.")
dekko - a look. "Get a dekko of this!" = have a look at this.
dill/git/nong - a stupid person.
dinkum - real/genuine. "Fair dinkum!" = true/for real
dirty - can mean rude/crude (a dirty joke) or annoyed (the missus got all dirty on me). "He did the dirty on me" means someone ratted out when they were needed. Also used for emphasis as in "dirty great truck" means a very large truck.
dob in - report someone to the authorities
dodger - bread
done - overcharged (He done me for 10 when I only bought 9)
do somone - to strike/punch someone
a do - a social event such as a barbie or dinner.
drum - to give someone the drum is to give them the good oil - good information or to praise them, depending on circumstance.
dud - no good, useless, a lemon. Duds - underpants and/or trousers.
dump - a hovel (when referring to a house) or a bomb (when referring to a car). Usually dirty and unkempt.
dunny - a toilet (oops, sorry, bathroom for you Americans).
earbasher - someone who likes to talk a lot
easy - I'm easy - I am not worried - it doesn't matter to me which choice we make.
edge on someone - having an advantage over another person
egg on - encourage
grouse - wonderful! Fabulous! Great!
fair go - a fair/equitable/just chance or attempt.
fang - eat something, usually not very gracefully.
fizzle - a disappointment - what a fizzle!
flies on (no flies on) - archaic - of Anglo descent.
full as a ...boot, goog - drunk. Very, very drunk. OR very full of food.
galah - stupid person (after the galah cockatoo).
go and get $#@%*#& - go away you extremely annoying person
![Smiley :)](
THe following is the usual answer - I have been, and I liked it.
gibber - a red rock with a silcrete top, found in gibber plains and deserts.
gig - a function or a live band performance. Also can be a silly person.
go - attempt/try ("Have a go ya mug!") Go crook - chuck a wobbly, become very angry. He'll go ya - he'll attack you.
kick the bucket, push up daisies, keel over, go west, cash in ya chips - die.
gone a million - he was gone a million - he was exhausted/had failed/had no chance.
hell - another widely used word to describe something undesirable - as hot as ...., as dry as ...., as wet as ...., as dusty as...., as ugly as ....
hooly dooly - an expression of amazement.
icky - yucky. Not nice. Usally something that is sticky or gooey.
in it - it being the action or events happening at the time. You're in it now - you're a part of what is going on.
itie - another archaic bit of slang. Italian.
jack - tired of soemthihng (I'm jack of this!)
jack up - to be stubborn
jackeroo/jillaroo - a station (ranch) hand
kick in
kip (also two up term for the strip of wood)
knock off
loaf around/loafer
mad as a meataxe/cut snake
what happened to joe? e went mad and they shot im. (don't know, don't care) U
mangy bastard
mug - also face
ned kelly
oodles. boodles
open slather
done over
queen/ pansy poof queer ponce
raw prawn
red ned
ring in
rotten with grog
rubbish (brush off )
scrub (also verb)
shoot through
square off
stand over
up the creek, qwhat's up? up im, put up or shut up
belt up, up a gumtree
usual (beer)
wwod in me
wouldn't it?
And that is only for starters! I'll even fix the typos!