It cost nothing to transfer money from one account to another electonically within your own banking groupe but when it comes to transffering from one bank to another there will allways be a charge.
Nobody works for nothing and you can't expect them to but putting the charge up depending on the amount is robbery.
Another thing that bothers me is who pays for the transaction. This has happened to Mike on a few occasions and did also when I transffered money into his account.
The buyer or the person transffering the money should be responsibble for paying the cost but with paypal, the option as to who pays it don't allways come up. This lead to Mike being $23 out of pocket when I transffered money into his account to get my bike shipped from Atlanta to him. As it happend I was with him when this took place and put the matter straight but I wonder if I have sent money to people and they have copped for the charges and not liked to say anything as it was only a small amount, small amounts add up and over a period of time can add up to a lot.
Why dose the option not allways show and how can it be rectified?