I found that, among everything else, I had to lean out my mixture a bit. I had to drop the mains to 110's from 120's and dropped the needles to the top notch. However, I was also dealing with a stuck float, I think, which certainly didn't help the bike run. I changed the oil and it smelled like gas. I've got early 70's carbs and maybe they are a little more fussy due to the horsetail cable than the later models carbs. I dropped the fuel bowls and checked for the fuel height stains on the floats and they all showed it at about 5mm down from the top of the bowl. I put new gaskets in on two of the carbs and it seems to have taken care of the stuck float problem. It idles at about 1K pretty nicely now and gathers RPM's well. And the exhaust doesn't look nearly as black during a roll on. I believe that I should do one more carb adjustment if things remain OK just to see if I can get it running any smother at idle.