several times in the last week when riding the bike pops out of gear when I hit bumps, go over railroad tracks, etc. Is this a clutch problem, is my cable adjusted whacky, bad gears. what should I do first? Also grinds a little when I first go into first. thanks
Always helps to let us know what bike?
99 times out of 100, its a bent shift fork/worn dogs on gear issue. If a CB750, requires removing engine, flip it over, take the bottom case off, replace offending parts, reassemble.
Of course try all the other stuff first, clutch adjust etc. The drag bars are suspicious. Previous owner probably did some bang shifting.
Problem now is finding good used parts as new ones are unavailable from Honda. But good trannies are on eBay often. Yamiya sells repro gears for this problem, but they're like $750 for the set. This is a not so uncommon problem following abuse, there are many threads here of people who had to fix it.