So after much digging i've straighten out my turn signal issues. Still have a few things on the to do list in order to get a comfortably moving bike.
As far as work completed since the last post are:
I ran an extra ground from where my coils ground to the headlight bucket as was suggested by popwood and a few other people on this forum in another post.
I replaced my formerly melted fusebox with a new blade unit (Thanks Accolay)

I also relized that since i'm running non stock handlebar controls I needed to jump a Black into the Brown/white circuit due to the lack of the headlight on / off switch.

Then on a whim I got a new Turnsignal relay, while my old one never 'clicked' i figured it wasn't recieving proper power. Turns out the grey out wasn't getting proper power since the relay was shot while black wire had proper voltage. Thanks to Hondaman's post on another thread for specifying which plug goes where on the new relay. The one i picked up from R.S. Strauss is a Bussman regular automotive unit, the Black wire goes to (X), Grey wire plugs into (L) and green hangs free. Then I turned my ignition on and behold. A sight that I have never seen on my bike. Working turn signals. what a marvelous clicking noise, i'm thinkin of releaseing one of those soothing sounds CD's for gear heads, this one titled Moto Noobs, track12 is just 15 mins of the turn signal relay clicking. liner notes for the track read 'to those who've been struggling with simple electronic circuitry, but your own greenness led you on a self defeating wild goose chase. Sit down in your musty garage on your favorite stool, and just listen to the sound of a properly working turn signal curcuit. release and let the knowledge come to you in your meditation.' ....

I also am temporarily running a new kill switch since my old one did not have proper continuity a la my multimeter.

Hope to clean it up at a future time.
Also in the mean time I've changed out the faceplate on my gauges, thanks to CountChocula, He can be reached at for custom faceplates, nicely laser etched. They turned out brighter then stock but not blinding. (unfortunately i broke the speedo trying to replace mine. I pulled up the metal post along with the needle. Major suck but at least the Tach's looking good, the speedo cable was busted anyway.


Hopefully i can have info posted that will help anyone with their build. I did a few non stock alterations like handlebar controls, and if anyone has any questions feel free. I've noticed a ton of electrical issue posts on the other side of the board. Maybe when I get a chance I'll get some pics posted on how I wired the right hand control from a 1976 CB360T