Author Topic: How Many Years Riding/Miles Ridden Makes You A Road Warrior?  (Read 3797 times)

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Re: How Many Years Riding/Miles Ridden Makes You A Road Warrior?
« Reply #50 on: June 17, 2010, 01:16:01 PM »
Maybe there was something in the water in So Cal back in the late 50s and early 60s, from my earliest memories, racing and surfing were my 2 biggest fantasies. I remember being 4 or 5 and having races with other kids on the street on tricycles. A great many of the safety rules I learned were in elementary school at what they called "bicycle roundups" which were after school classes for kids who wanted to ride their bikes to school. No one had helmets back then. Those rules were re-inforced and added to by years of continuing bicycling. My dad had a couple motorcycles when I was young and both my parents thought it very important to point out real life examples of dangerous situations every time we were on the road in the car. When we moved to Sacramento, there was lots of pasture land at the end of the street and we all learned to ride our bicycles in the dirt as well, some of us went on to ride dirt bikes, and I had a couple  jr.high friends get killed trail riding so no matter where you are or what you're doing, especially if it involves motion at anything greater than a walking speed, you have to be careful. They were riding in an area that was commonly used, someone had strung a chain across the trail at a curve, they came around the curve fast and the chain took the first kids head off. Learning from others experiences is invaluable and essential to survival. Someone said 10% skill and 90% confidence? I think thats a dangerous equation, you need all the skills you can get, have 110% confidence in those skills, but only 80% confidence in the fact that those skills will actually save you. It's overconfidence that will send you into a corner too fast, even if "too fast"  is only 5mph.
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Re: How Many Years Riding/Miles Ridden Makes You A Road Warrior?
« Reply #51 on: June 17, 2010, 04:37:04 PM »
Last 3 posts sound a lot like people who haven't spent much time on a dirt bike. ???

Dirtbike experience is invaluable for road riding, where else on the street do you learn to control a bike while its sliding, also it lets you learn to  get maximum feel for braking and it is a #$%* load safer to do this on a dirt bike than a road bike. Being able to control my road bikes in a slide has saved my life on more than one occasion, especially the time i turned onto a main road straight into a diesel spill, this was in peak hour traffic and i managed to stay on my side of the road {6 lanes of traffic} and ended up facing the guy behind me, i did a complete 180 degree turn after sliding for around 50 yards. It also taught me what it feels like to power slide a bike without feeling like the bike is going to walk out from under neath me and i have nearly been taken out by a friend that "stood" his bike up when he lost a little traction at the rear, my brother took out one of his mates who did exactly the same thing,  he ended up riding through in front of my brother mid corner after feeling the back slide and once again stood the bike up and almost t boned my bro. You can never have too much experience riding bikes, all types, and as far as i am concerned, the more the merrier. I am just over 3 years off 50 and i still ride in the dirt as often as i can, it also keeps the reflexes working well....

In the 80's/90's all the best professional riders came out of flat track. I stopped paying attention awhile ago but are the top rated track riders now coming out of motocross?

Maybe in the US but in Australia they mainly come out of racing dirt bikes, Gardner, Doohan, Gobert and probably every top class racer that has come out of Aus has raced motorcross and most use it in their practice including Rossi and many more...

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