Author Topic: looking for help identifying 4-1 pipes on cb750  (Read 2073 times)

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looking for help identifying 4-1 pipes on cb750
« on: April 26, 2005, 10:43:26 PM »
I bought my pipes from a guy who used to race cb750's in the 80's.   He had a set of black yoshi pipes that had been modified to give more cornering clearance, and an unidentified set of chrome one's.  I ended up buying the chrome one's from him and they sound really cool.  I especially like the way they sound when the rpm's are up and I let off the gas... kind of like a jet's afterburner  ;)

I have been reading a lot lately that not all pipes actually increase performance, though most increase the noise level.

Does anyone recognize my pipes from the pictures below?
Are pipes easy to identify?

Another cb750 guy I went riding with said he thought they sounded like KERKER's.




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Re: looking for help identifying 4-1 pipes on cb750
« Reply #1 on: April 27, 2005, 11:29:33 AM »
Adam, I'm not positive, but they look similar to a set of Jardine's I had on a CB550 back in the '70's.  Not a lot of options back then.  Hooker Headers also made pipes for the CB's but the baffle looks different.  Also, Kerkers had a distinct megaphone style and a big "Kerker" logo riveted to the baffle.
