Author Topic: Stuck alternator inner rotor. How to unstick?  (Read 3992 times)

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Stuck alternator inner rotor. How to unstick?
« on: August 09, 2010, 02:16:57 PM »
I've got an inner alternator rotor that's rusted all to hell.

I've never removed an alternator before. Clymer's tells me that I just need to screw in the rotor puller and pull it out. If that doesn't work it recommends tapping the rotor with a hammer. I tried both, but that rotor doesn't really budge. It moves a tiny bit. But it doesn't seem like it's coming out.

As you can see from the pics, it's rusted quite badly. Is the rust preventing it from coming out? Is there something I could use something like PB Blaster on to get it out?

Offline HondaNorway

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Re: Stuck alternator inner rotor. How to unstick?
« Reply #1 on: August 09, 2010, 04:32:03 PM »
Hi there. The only product i use for really rusted stuff, is this:

"Rost Off Ice induces the "cracking effect" in which the materail cools, cracking the contamination, and allowing the active substance to rapidly penetrate the rust."

If your rotor is stuck because of rust, this is the #$%*.  :D

'74 CB750
'76 CB750F


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Re: Stuck alternator inner rotor. How to unstick?
« Reply #2 on: August 09, 2010, 04:39:03 PM »
Hi there. The only product i use for really rusted stuff, is this:

"Rost Off Ice induces the "cracking effect" in which the materail cools, cracking the contamination, and allowing the active substance to rapidly penetrate the rust."

If your rotor is stuck because of rust, this is the #$%*.  :D

Cool, cool. I'm not sure where to even spray the penetrant though. Nor am I exactly clear on how the tool is supposed to work. My Clymers manual is really vague on this part of the process.

Offline harisuluv

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Re: Stuck alternator inner rotor. How to unstick?
« Reply #3 on: August 09, 2010, 11:14:59 PM »
My dad just faced this exact same problem.  He probably spent a day or two off and on trying to get it out.  We ended up taking it somewhere and putting it in a press.  Took about 30 minutes setup to having it out.  Thing was loud as HELL when it popped off.

If you don't have access an old timer told me to try heating it up with a torch and gently banging on it.  Might try that.


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Re: Stuck alternator inner rotor. How to unstick?
« Reply #4 on: August 10, 2010, 11:00:10 AM »
My dad just faced this exact same problem.  He probably spent a day or two off and on trying to get it out.  We ended up taking it somewhere and putting it in a press.  Took about 30 minutes setup to having it out.  Thing was loud as HELL when it popped off.

If you don't have access an old timer told me to try heating it up with a torch and gently banging on it.  Might try that.

So they basically just used a machine to pull it out, hard as hell?

I will try heating. I'd try something like PB Blaster but I can't figure out where I'd spray it. I've never taken one of these apart before.

Offline harisuluv

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Re: Stuck alternator inner rotor. How to unstick?
« Reply #5 on: August 10, 2010, 06:02:32 PM »
yours looks all rusted to hell, ours wasn't even rusty at all and it was a real #$%* to get off.  we held the crank with some steel plates right under the rotor where it meets the crank and then put a pin in the hole, then just put the press piston on the pin and gave it a couple of pumps. pop


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Re: Stuck alternator inner rotor. How to unstick?
« Reply #6 on: August 11, 2010, 12:36:28 AM »
yours looks all rusted to hell, ours wasn't even rusty at all and it was a real #$%* to get off.  we held the crank with some steel plates right under the rotor where it meets the crank and then put a pin in the hole, then just put the press piston on the pin and gave it a couple of pumps. pop

Turned out to not be all that hard. Just needed a bit of technique. I just had to hold my socket on the pulse generator to hold the crank still and then tap the puller with a hammer to slowly turn it. The rotor popped right out after maybe 20 seconds of that.