At $10.75 for a ounce of the stuff at a health food store, I have at least found a local supply but will wait on mail order instead.'ve read the previous threads, but have not seen any of the 350f head to carb insulators being dipped in this rubber restore. It appears that the pics of the 750 carb insulators have no metal component to them. (Is this correct?)
The 350f's carb insulators have a metal flange on them with bolt holes.
Questions are:
Is there any metal component to the 750/550 carb insulators people have "dipped," and was there any problems with the metal separating?
Has anyone used this wintergreen/xylene treatment on this 350f part, and was it successful??
Is there danger that it will expand and cause the rubber and metal flange to come apart?
Is gel super glue the best thing to re-attach them if they do come apart or is epoxy or some other adhesive better?