..and time for my second post. Holy crap!
I bought up my first cb550K a couple years ago for 175 bucks.
Bought it from a guy on condition he would deliver it, since I was working on call that night.
He called halfway to my place.. bike was running funny. Checked it out.. yes, definitely funny. Chugging pretty hard.
I pushed it from there a few blocks at a time (push bike, go back to van, drive ahead, go push, jog to van, move, park, push, jog..for what seemed like forever)
to a friends place. Where I parked it on his gravel driveway for a couple days. Because jeebus pushing that far was stupid.
It rained. The bike fell over. He picked it back up.. we put it in the back of the service van that night and I "rode" home.