I knew I'd get some gloves comments

I actually rode my bike to work yesterday and forgot my gloves there. This trip was me going back to get them. I get really paranoid riding without them....I typically don't ride without my boots, heavy jeans, armored jacket and helmet of course. This is a little off track, but since we're on the topic of safety gear here too, I was behind a girl on a scooter on my ride home from work. Her riding gear consisted of shorts, flip flops, a sweater (no sturdy jacket), and thank god she had a helmet on. To top it off, she checked her cell phone at red lights...scooters seem to have gotten super popular around here now, I'm seeing way more of them on the road now than I used to, and as long as they're under 50cc, no motorcycle license required, and no rider safety course is required. Drives me nuts...The way those people ride I'm surprised more people haven't gotten killed on them....
Anyway, the suction cup mount stuck really well, but I honestly think it was because our roads are so bad it kept bouncing around. Winnipeg roads are horrible, and the ones I was riding on aren't even particularly bad compared to most. I wouldn't say it's quite third world quality, as I've actually rented a scooter and ridden in Cuba....I actually have GoPro video of that too...now that's quite something to see...I should try to upload that.