Good Point! and one I hadn't even considered. In those situations I guess the bigger danger might be having our tools stolen!
I've never really worried about having the bike stolen from the house. I guess that's because I live in an area where not a lot of folks ride motorcycles, and probably couldn't even tell a Honda from a Harley. When I'm riding around town or commuting to work I routinely use a bike cover just to keep the sun from fading paint and messing up the gauges and I always lock the handlebars. I take extra precautions when I'm on the road spending the night in a motel or parking the bike at some large motorcycle venue like a racetrack, bike show or during Daytona Bike Week. Then I drag out the extra locks, chains and cables. In addition to chaining the frame of the bike to a telephone pole, I've even put a heavy duty cable around the covered bike and lock it with as heavy lock in such a way that it's difficult to get the bike off the center stand. I know that there is no perfect solution, but I want the potential thief to think "why bother, there's lots of easier targets?"
The down side is the extra weight and the luggage space needed for all the security stuff. But, everything I use fits easily into a relatively small tank bag for local trips. When I'm on the road, I usually pack the stuff on the bottom and towards the front of my soft luggage to keep the weight low and forward to avoid possible handling problems.
Please excuse me for being so long-winded on this topic. Somehow it just struck a chord with me.