Author Topic: Anyone out there change needle position on CB350F carbs?  (Read 3158 times)

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Offline Iron Spade Cycles

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Anyone out there change needle position on CB350F carbs?
« on: September 28, 2011, 04:04:21 PM »
I need help! Is there some trick no one ever told me about to access and change the clip position on the needle jets on a CB350F? The manual says nothing about it other than a stupid small exploded view drawing of the carb assembly. Any of you guys out there who have done this already would help me so much. I'm trying to fine tune the jetting on a clients bike after a set of pods and a 4 into 1 exhaust system were added. We are running a #38 primary jet and a #80 main but its still registering as lean on all 4 cylinders in the midrange. I need to raise the needle jets (lower the clips) but I'm having a hell of a time trying to figure out how to even get to the needle jet let alone change the clip position.

Thanks guys for your help. Talk soon Travis
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Offline fmctm1sw

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Re: Anyone out there change needle position on CB350F carbs?
« Reply #1 on: September 28, 2011, 06:59:04 PM »
Disclaimer:  This is all from memory but should get you started...

I've done it on the bike and with the rack off.  You can do it by taking the two screws in the top cover of each carb off.  Under that you will find two nuts, one 8mm one 7mm (or 8/9?).  IIRC, you undo the one on the slide itself first then the one that connects the slide to the arm.  The slide should be able to move pretty far up in the carb.  You will then be able pull down on the slide and pop it off.  There are little black things in there that go up against the little knob of the arm.  Don't lose them.  Once you get the slide out, there are two screws in the bottom of the slide.  Try not to strip them!  It will take a thin screwdriver.  Then you turn it to the left or right (can't remember) and the slide should separate.  The needle is in the bottom.  Just let it fall out and change the clip position...

*edit* Here's a picture of what I'm trying to explain.  these are 550 carbs but the same idea applies...
« Last Edit: September 28, 2011, 07:11:56 PM by fmctm1sw »
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Offline Iron Spade Cycles

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Re: Anyone out there change needle position on CB350F carbs?
« Reply #2 on: September 29, 2011, 06:59:01 AM »
OK so this is exactly what I thought I should be doing but I'm stumped. The slide is so very small and I can't quite see how the ball joint on the arm is released from the part that is attaching the arm to the slide/jet assembly. That pivoting part doesn't  just slide out (that I can see) I'll try to post a picture of it in a little while. I just read through my manual and it shows the complete disassembly of each and ever carb from the rack just to change the jet position, God imagine if I have to do it a few times before its right and dialed in?

Thanks for your help, I'll be back in a few...
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Offline jessezm

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Re: Anyone out there change needle position on CB350F carbs?
« Reply #3 on: September 29, 2011, 07:24:38 AM »
You're right, changing the slide needles on these carbs is a serious pain.  I've done it several times.  You want to take off the bolt holding the slide linkage to the arm so that you can move the slide freely and independently of the others by wedging a small screwdriver or a hook/pick under the arm  and lifting.  That ball joint is held in place by a spring pushing up on a short concave rod on the underside of the ball joint, and another concave rod pushing down from the top.  It's hard to describe but you'll see once you have it apart.  Undo the tabbed washer and take off the top nut holding down the rod and don't loose either.  Now lift the arm up with a tool so you can grab hold of the arm between your thumb and forefinger with one hand, and with the other hand grab the part of the slide that links up with the arm.  Now apply pressure up and down so that you feel the play in the spring, and when the spring is fully compressed pry the ball joint of the arm out of the slide linkage.  Reverse order going back together.  It's really hard to describe but once you do it a few times it gets easier.   

Once you get the slide out you have two tiny screws holding a stay plate down inside the slide.  BE CAREFUL not to strip these!  Find a screwdriver that fits the heads perfectly.  They are a PIA to drill if you have to!!!  If the heads are damaged, do yourself a favor now and replace them with small Allen head screws.   Also, change the needles one at a time, or try not to get them mixed up, as the linkages and slide cutaways are oriented in a specific direction.

Sorry if this doesn't make sense, it's the best I could describe the way I do it...  And yes, I am incredulous that this task is so complicated!

Offline Iron Spade Cycles

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Re: Anyone out there change needle position on CB350F carbs?
« Reply #4 on: September 29, 2011, 10:52:41 AM »
Thanks Jesse, it makes perfect sense, I just couldn't see how the lower pivot part would pop off the ball joint on the arm, that is where I'm stumped. I'm only going to do them one at a time and hopefully just one click will be enough I really don't want to spend a week tuning this little whore. I'm loosing money every day this bike stays here as it sets me back farther from other paying clients projects. Thanks again.

Later T
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Offline jessezm

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Re: Anyone out there change needle position on CB350F carbs?
« Reply #5 on: September 29, 2011, 12:26:53 PM »
Yeah, they really are a bear, but it gets easier.  You have to really tweak it to one side to get the ball to pop out, but it will come.  Last time I did the needles it was a full break down, and it was much easier to do by just taking the whole arm out with the slide attached as one piece, but that requires de-racking them and surely you don't want to go there!