Hey gang,
I have a silverface Vibrolux Reverb that is my main and only amp. I use it for everything, jazz band, blues bands, combos, rock, whatever. It is one of my prized possessions, and i love it for many of the reasons I love my SOHC4 (simplicity, reliability, effectiveness, etc)
Anyway, I recently have had a loose solder joint or something making lots of noise. I can tap the top of the amp and make it worse or sometimes go away. My dilemma is whether I should fix it myself or take it to a tech. Last time I had something repaired, a few years ago, I was told it really needs to be recapped. So I'm looking at doing that job or having it done as well. What can I expect to pay for that job?
The reason I ask is I think I could save money by doing it myself but don't want my only amp to be tied up on the workbench while I slowly figure it out!
Any thoughts?