I have heard the term bamboozler and hornschwaggler but have never associated them with "gay". More closely related to shyster I think. 
Yeah, it's just my siblings. I guess I know them for as long as I can remember, thought there might be a name for the homosexual persuasion of swindler. Uhhh, yeah, the movie Own Private Idaho maybe comes to mind, but
not as strange in some ways.
I filed some stuff to try to get some answers, but the person in control of my share of an inheritance is getting calls here from robocal collectors, at my house. I remember at his house there were 10x as many, and every day some collection agency calling several times a day. It doesn't bolster any cnfidence.
Not like I'm a professional debt avoider, but I did make some of them go away real good once. Bro can't seem to figure out how to do that.