So I got this bike about a year ago in rough but running condition. It had 6" over forks and a king/queen seat which I guess was someone's half hearted attempt at a chopper somewhere along the line. I've slowly been tinkering on it since then as I had another bike build going, but now that has sold and I'm focusing in on this. Here's a pick of how I got her
Since then I haven't documented much, but I'll start now that there's a proper thread going for it.
I rebuilt the forks with new progressive springs and lowered them internally. The stanchions were in good shape in the travel area, but pretty ugly elsewhere, so I made some for shrouds out of some steel tube and an old exhaust from a suzuki gr650.
This is how they look on the bike. I'm happy with them.
Also welded in a seat hoop and am working on a seat for that. Currently I am powder coating parts. I blasted a bunch of stuff and will post pics later of how they're turning out. I'm sure I'll have lots of questions along the way, but I'm glad to be here, it seems like an awesome place.
Oh, and here's my runner. A 1975 cb750k that I got for a steal back in August.