I believe that like many other things, its open to interpretation.
I live in Arizona and the summers here are incredible!! I use 10W-40W, with frequent changes ( a lot sooner than what Honda recommends because of incredible dust and heat). All the guys I talk to in this state use 10W-40W. But......... I did meet one old timer, a member of the Old Geezer's Club ( as if I should talk ), who had a beautiful Gold Wing that looked and acted very minty. He swore by the 20W-50W because of the Arizona heat. He also believed in very frequent oil changes because of Arizona conditions. 500 to 700 miles is when he changes oil, as I do, except of course for a long trip where you are putting on 1200 miles or so. If the trip is longer, you make provisions for changing the oil. It does keep things clean and tight, and I am willing to spend the time and money for that.
We have had days here when the temperatures get to 124 degrees and have had times when the temps stayed above 114 for a week and half or so. Then, 20W-50W seems logical.
But, back to your real question - - - - - it looks as if what I can see of the text on that page says 10W-40W and 20W-50W are normal oil weights for normal conditions, as the text puts it.
~ ~ ~ jaknight ~ ~ ~