let's see...
cb750K0 claimed BHP: 67
'79cb650 claimed BHP: 63
throw in a 5mm overbore, 10.5 compression ratio, mike reick porting, 29mm carbs, and a lightened and balanced crank? i'll double mike's bet!

Sorry mate, I should apologize, I wasn't wearing my glasses and didn't read that right, I thought you said you were gonna smoke my
I thought you were talking about the other engine I'm collecting parts for, I've got another F2 bottom end and some 73mm pistons, I'm just looking for a good CB900F crank so I can stroke it out to 1170. When I "thought" that I read that you were gonna "smoke" me with a warmed over CB650/712, I fell about laughing!
Sorry about that, I better stop drinking when I'm on this site. The only "stocker" that I've got is my K0, but I don't think I'd be interested in racing with it. Cheers, Terry.