So yesterday i decided to stop being a wuss and go ride the bike(without front brake or properly working blinkers lol). I rode it about 10 miles yesterday with no problems at all, im actually starting to get used to it, the more i ride it, the more i like it and the faster it feels. I just got home from a 1.5 hour non-stop ride around town and surprisingly enough it was more comfortable than my CBR600, even with my 1/2 inch thick yoga pad seat(which i will be selling soon). so far i have only put 143 miles on the bike since my uncle gave it to me last year. btw, i really like the attention i get on this bike compared to my CBR, all the old guys are like MAN! WHAT YEAR IS THAT??? and they tell me about what kind of bikes they had and so on, the guy at autozone today was trying to help me sort out my blinkers but he was just as dumb as i was...