started disassembly of the engine covers for shipping off
taking notes on the stator cover

onto the clutch cover....found out I didnt have a spring there....ordered it. my clutch does not seem to disengage (or engage...dont know which is technically correct). when it is in gear I cant get it to spin freely when the clutch was pulled in. I did a lot of reading and it seems the plates may be fused together. Ive read some people having luck rocking it back and forth to break it free. more than likely I'll be replacing all of the plates...and buying a spare outer cover/plate that people seem to crack often. I will take care doing it but I' like to have a backup just in case

got the new gas cap on. I need to buy one of those newer style pins with the c-clip o the end. this one doesnt really hold very well by itself and if I wanted to I could push the pin out (at least halfway) with my thumb. not safe

I got a new locking latch too. tank is almost done now. the emblems look great, I just need to buy the chrome piping.

I finally got my sprockets and chain from z1. 17t front and 48t rear. I was debating about 18t front but I kinda wanted to go with the factory gearing. maybe I'll change down the road, time will tell.

new oil filter bolt and o-ring, because why not?

front sprocket installed

finally got my forks, ears, and new boots on! still was a bit of a struggle getting them up with the new fork ear rubbers both on bottom and top of the ears. I found that a little wd-40 worked wonders to soften it up enough. seems to be fine.

new carb drain screws. they really make the rack pop

can't believe this sealed headlight new from honda was only $7!

kept the old rings but new mounting hardware for safe measure

finally bought my baffles and mounted them up. they were a little stubborn going in but nothing a little light hammer coaxing cant fix

reflectors (albeit the larger size that I don't care for)

new clutch lever, followed that with rubber ends on both levers

finally finished the rear wheel! its all rebuilt, trued, balanced, and torqued. first I put the bolts and and nuts on and it took me about 20 minutes to get the hub seated in the wheel...and I realized the bolts are essentially floating in the hub, so I wasn't going to be able to put the sprocket and splash guard I had to spend another 10 minutes prying it off....I ought all new dampers and they are very tough. used a light amount of wd-40 and heat to get the hub in. it went a little better the second time. I took a tip from IW and stood on the hub. I kinda rocked my body weight around to seat it. didnt really know how else to do it. the splash guard has a little bit of damage but I am not worried about it nor am I planning to correct it as of now