dont worry about the turn count its how it runs,unlike most automobile carbs these ones idle mixture adds to the entire mixture even into the high rpms,it doesnt just affect the idle!car type carbs idle circuits shut down once the rpm picks up,car type carbs have more circuits than these type one carbs,our carbs dont have a power/economy circuit or accelerator pump,tune and set up these carbs once the engine is fully hot(and with perfect ignition settings) and how it behaves when dead cold so be it,learn to feather the throttle or use that screw underneath the throttle if you have it to hold a fast cold idle,the book specs of so many turns out is a ball park,a bit like bench sync,you may find you need more or less turns by some degree more than the listed specs,dont let that worry you so long as the engine is running as you want,for example my 550 engine with 38/100 jets and 4-1 pipe and stock induction air box has over two turns out on the solid type idle screws,itll pull away from 2500 in top gear ok.