alright. not much in the way of pictures...but I have gotten some progress done.
cam chain and master link, standard pistons and pin circlips ordered. holding out for cheap wrist pins but cms has them for $80 shipped.....might have to go that option.
also ordered new front and rear DID stock rims, spokes, tubes, tires and wheel bearings.
frame is stripped and bare metal. just primed it today, will be painting tomorrow as well as the center stand. ordered tapered steering bearings.
swingarm is bare as well but I cannot get the bushings out for the life of me. I did it on the 750..these are stubborn though.
carbs are soda blasted, ultrasonic cleaned, have new OEM floats, and are rebuilt with OEM gaskets. painted the pump tops and bowls, left the bodies alone. these are ready to go.
uni foam material oil/cleaner are ordered to redo the stock airboxes.
I also ordered more bullet connectors from vintageconnections to freshen up the wiring harness.
things seem to be coming along. still need to actually build the engine with Bill, and have a ton of more parts to buy, as well as painting. its nice to have the ball rolling though. I felt stuck for so many weeks. tax return comes in tomorrow and its going straight to this bike. LOVE YOU POPS!