That David is working for the government fer sure

No not possum, some of us have to
do real work

Duster is right on the money, ours is a reactive police force instead of proactive.
That is as it should be, though from my limited experience with Canadian Police it was the same.
Only show up after the crime, anyway I don't know many folks who want a proactive police.
Most I know prefer to protect themselves and if need be call the Police to come clean up
afterwards. Most of the time the police will help you drag the body of the burglar back in the window
if he happens to fall out when that 44 slug hits him. Saves on the paper work

But what can I say, I'm just an ignorant redneck (recently labled the crazy Italian redneck cause of the
way I drive the I car).
Well gotta go out back and beat a few darkies, that's what we all do down here.