Some of you may have noticed I was gone from the boards for a long time. I thought I should explain myself at least.
As some of you know I had a heart attack, and found out I was diabetic on the same day and got a nice hospital stay.
Soon after recovering from the heart attack I got a pretty severe concussion and could barely function. I couldn't even read without pain. Basically I had a many months long migraine, with severe mnemonic and motor function loss. As soon as I recovered from that I lost my health insurance and had my hours reduced at my job. Think diabetic without insulin and no way to monitor blood sugar. It was a bad time.
Now fast forward about six more months. I've got more hours at work, I can test my glucose levels and have learned to control the diabetes through diet. All lingering effects of the concussion are gone and I'm a functioning human being again.
It taken quite awhile to get back into all my old hobbies, art and motorcycles. Working on and riding motorcycles came back fairly easily, but my art skills suffered. It took a long time to learn to draw a straight line again. Now that I'm satisfied with my progress and my ability to understand what others are saying I've come back to the best forum I've ever found and hoping to stay for a good long time.
BTW I'm still forgetting things and will ask the same question a few times, without remembering that it's already been answered. So either remind me or ignore me if I do that. The neurologist said it can take well over a year to get back to where I was.