I had the same problem. Make sure when setting your floats that you do not do it while the carbs are upside down on the table putting pressure on the float needle. It has to be done with the rack on it's side and just touching the "spring". I went round and round with it for a couple of weeks, finally got it right. Be methodical, make sure the tangs aren't jacked up (nice and flat), make sure your jets are in correctly, make sure the brass for the float needle is INSTALLED ALL THE WAY - if it's not flush with the rest, you could have one carb acting up.
Sorry for the long sentence, my English teachers would beat me. But, all I'm saying is - go over it again. Also, make sure your fuel is clean. Blow out the jets and the float valves with compressed air.
I swear, it'll get there eventually. And I'm a total hack.